Top 10k strings from Air Brush (1983)(Soft Hits)[a].z80
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1 bernard 1 YOUR SCORE WAS: 1 WELL DONE! - YOU HAVE FINISHED 1 There are a lot of grumpy guards around who will vaporise you if you bump into them, and scattered about are some radio- active bins - touch these and we deny all responsibility! 1 The interview was fine, and some days later a letter arrivesinforming you of your acceptanceto the position. However, it isnot as easy as you think... 1 TO CONTROL YOUR BRUSH,PLEASE USE 1 THE PLAYERS... 1 THE HIGHEST SCORE IS: 1 THE FOLLOWING KEYS: 1 SOFT HITS PRESENTS 1 ROLL ON ! - ANOTHER LIFE LOST !! 1 REQUIRE (1 - 5); 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO START 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY AGAIN 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 1 PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE! 1 PRESS A KEY 1 PRESS 'J' FOR A KEMPSTON STICK 1 PLEASE PRESS THE SPEED LEVEL YOU 1 Living on the planet DULUXE where unemployment is the norm rather than the exception, you are desperate to find a job. Today , the 'Leisure Times' carried an advert for a job as apainter - you couldn't believe your luck. 1 If you're artistic enough toget to level two or beyond, thenyou will also have to contendwith a nasty little thief , whonot only takes your paint potsbut he also wipes off the paintyou've just applied- you may useSYMBOL SHIFT to fire at these. 1 IAIN DAWSON AND SHINGO SUGIURA 1 HOW TO PLAY: 1 GAME DESIGN BY 1 FOLLOWED BY THE SKILL LEVEL 1 CODING BY 1 CAPS SHIFT - LEFT Z - RIGHT 1 B<THIS PROGRAM WAS WRITTEN IN ITS ENTIRETY BY ADAM DENNING - AND IN A HURRY! I WOULD THEREFORE APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD FUCK OFF FROM DISASSEMBLING IT 1 Apart from all the hazards wementioned , you will find thatyou have your work cut out. Theobject is to paint approximatelya third of each level , makingsure that you collect enoughpaint to finish the job. If yourun out of paint or try toplaster an obstacle , you willlose a life - luckily, the paintyou've accumulated and the areathat you've managed to cover arecumulative within each level. 1 AND THEN PRESS ANY KEY TO START 1 ADAM DENNING 1 ;"PLEASE HANG ON": 1 ;"AIRBRUSH WON'T BE LONG"; 1 *YOU HAVE SELECTED A JOYSTICK* 1 1983 SOFT HITS